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Some Bitches Will Never Learn


In perhaps 1995, a New York rap mogul promoted a party where one Sarah Jones was, "like some video ho, singing along to 'bitches ain't shit but hos and tricks.' "[141] She noticed, "This is not me. You know, I disagree!' "[141] Wistful for classic hip hop, she wrote a poem, "Your Revolution," its motif Your revolution will not happen between these thighs.[142] Read as slam poetry, it helped her get an Off-Broadway show,[141] and in 2000 was televised on cable TV series Def Poetry Jam.[142] DJ Vadim then produced a version to music.[142] In 2001, the Federal Communications Commission, deeming it indecent, fined a Portland radio station for playing it, but reversed after Jones became the first artist ever to sue the FCC.[142]

some bitches will never learn

Just like it is for women, giving birth is a completely natural process for bitches. In most cases the delivery will go smoothly and your bitch will manage better without any interference. However, you should keep a watchful eye on proceedings as problems can occur. If your bitch is having problems then early intervention could save her life as well as that of the puppies.

Uterine inertia simply means that the womb is not contracting adequately. Primary uterine inertia means that the uterus never starts contracting. In this case a bitch will show the first signs of labour but never progress beyond this. This condition is not common but can be due to the pregnancy consisting of only a single puppy. Your vet may need to give an injection to try to stimulate uterine contraction or, if this fails to work, then a Caesarean delivery may be needed.

Secondary uterine inertia occurs after the bitch has been in labour for some time. One or more puppies may have been born but then contractions stop before all puppies have been delivered. This condition is more common in older bitches and can be due to exhausted muscles in the uterus or to glucose or calcium deficiencies. Veterinary attention should be sought immediately as this condition may respond to intravenous treatments but often means that a Caesarean delivery is needed.

More specifically, significant prior medical or surgical conditions should be discussed to determine what if any impact they may have on a pregnancy or lactation. What type of performance is she involved in? What is her body condition? More sedentary or overweight bitches will have more issues with fertility, ovulation rate and ability to whelp normally. Health testing of the male is also important consideration as well as general health, temperament, conformation, etc.

The more severe the inflammation or cystic change, the poorer the prognosis for fertility, and if the bitch does become pregnant, she will be at higher risk for resorption or abortion, or progesterone failure at the end of pregnancy. These bitches are also at higher risk for pre-term labor. Diagnosis is made via ultrasound or exploratory laparotomy, uterine culture and uterine biopsy (either surgical or with the endoscope). Treatment will depend on whether bacteria are present (antibiotics), chronic inflammation (steroid) or just CEH (nothing or surgical rupture of the cysts prior to breeding).

LOPATE: A normal interestrous interval is usually 5-8 months for most breeds. There are a few breeds that tend to have shorter IEI with normal fertility (GSD, Akitas, Labradors, Rottweilers, Cocker Spaniels, Basset Hounds for example) and some that cycle only once yearly (Basenji and Tibetan Mastiffs for example). The period of anestrus (no significant hormonal activity) is important for the uterine epithelium to recover from the prolonged period of hormone exposure during estrus and diestrus. If the IEI is too short, then the endometrium (lining of the uterus) may not be compatible with embryo survival. We know that some bitches can conceive with a short IEI but others cannot. Under 4 months, less than 30% of bitches will conceive; while over 5 months 70% will. Short IEI can be caused by ovulatory failure, luteal failure, a normal non-pregnant diestrus, inflammation or CEH in the uterus. Short IEI is treated by using a drug like mibolerone to suppress estrus to provide a normal IEI.

Prolonged estrus or proestrus may be normal (up to 50-60 days), but it can also be caused by failure to ovulate (due to abnormal follicles, inadequate LH hormone production, shipping stress), cystic follicle development, exposure to exogenous or endogenous estrogens (ovarian tumors, adrenal disease, human estrogen/testosterone exposure, nutritional supplements, mismating injection, portosystemic shunts, ovarian remnant syndrome. Ovulation can be induced in about 50% of bitches using ovulatory drugs like GnRH, hCG or deslorelin. These drugs can also be used to treat ovarian cysts. Ovarian neoplasia is treated with ovariectomy. Removal of hormone exposure will result in return to normal cyclicity. Animals with adrenal disease should not be bred.

Split heats are common with the first heat cycle but some bitches may have them with every cycle. Typically the bitch comes into heat then goes out before ovulation and returns days to a few weeks later. The second half of the cycle is ovulatory and fertile.

BITCH is an organization which does not yet exist. The name is not an acronym. It stands for exactly what it sounds like. BITCH is composed of Bitches. There are many definitions of a bitch. The most complimentary definition is a female dog. Those definitions of bitches who are also homo sapiens are rarely as objective. They vary from person to person and depend strongly on how much of a bitch the definer considers herself. However, everyone agrees that a bitch is always a female, dog, or otherwise. It is also generally agreed that a Bitch is aggressive, and therefore unfeminine (ahem). She may be sexy, in which case she becomes a Bitch Goddess, a special case which will not concern us here. But she is never a "true woman." Bitches have some or all of the following characteristics.

This again varies from bitch to bitch and across breeds but generally the first season will be around the age of 9 months and thereafter every six to nine months. The presence of other bitches in season or male dogs can make a bitch come into season sooner and groups of bitches housed together may well end up with their seasons synchronising so thaey happen close to each other.

Bitches in season are pretty much irresistible to male dogs and they will be able to detect the scent of a bitch in heat from a considerable distance and will want/try to get to her. Sensible precautions must be taken by the owners of bitches in season to avoid pregnancy.

Why Don't You Discover Some Bitches or How About You Discover Some Bitches refers to a series of memes which advise a fan of a certain franchise or hobby to take a break and find some "bitches." The wording of the snowclone changes depending on the fandom. The meme is closely associated with Among Drip.

On March 2nd, 2020, New York Post tweeted[1] an article about a female astronomy student who discovered 17 new planets. On July 19th, 2020, Twitter[2] user @steroberrys quote retweeted the tweet, writing "he needs to discover some bitches." The tweet received over 26,800 retweets and 238,000 likes in nine months (shown below).

Starting on October 22nd, a deep-fried Among Drip meme captioned "Why don't you get among some bitches" received viral spread (author unknown, shown below), with multiple posts on Instagram,[7] Twitter[8] and iFunny.[9]

-Make your own bitches.-Doesn't take your money.-As real as a drawing can get.-Wont cheat on you unless you're a degenerate cuck fetishist.-No STDs, unless you're a disgusting STD fetishist.-A marketable skill if you're good enough.-People will pay you to draw their custom-made dream bitch.-Every bitch is personalized.

Make sure that your dog is still getting some exercise. Exercise will help provide your dog with some muscle tone which will help when she is in labor. Flabby bitches can have problems during delivery. A good daily walk will help your bitch stay in shape during pregnancy.

After the puppies are born you should offer your girl some vanilla ice cream. She can have plenty of calcium after the whelping and the sugar will give her a boost. At this point the calcium will also help her produce her own milk. She may also like some beef or chicken broth.

Some bitches will experience hypocalcemia (low blood calcium), especially if they are nursing large litters, in the first 3-4 weeks of lactation. These bitches are nervous and restless, progressing to panting, whining, incoordination and collapse. This is a medical emergency! Feeding calcium supplements during pregnancy increases the problem.

Whilst taking care to avoid an unwanted pregnancy is usually the first priority for the owner of a bitch that is in season there are also the mess and hygiene issues associated with canine oestrus to consider. In most cases a bitch will produce very little bloody discharge during her first season, but even small amounts of discharge can be unpleasant to deal with. In some households it is not possible to confine the bitch to parts of the house with easy-to-clean hard floors. In such instances it may be worth considering Hygiene Pants. These are available for dogs of all sizes and help to stop furniture and carpets becoming stained by the discharge (especially during the bloody stage). These are made from stretch nylon for easy washing and have adjustable straps. You simply apply a Replacement pad inside the pants, just like a sanitary towel. A small amount of Vicks Vapour Rub on the 'outside' of the pants will also help to cover up the scent of the bitch in season, and deter males.

I think from a young age girls are conditioned to want to find love. They are taught through fairy tales and stories that as long as they are a nice girl, someone will show up to sweep them off their feet, put them on a pedestal, and shower them with unconditional love. No one ever tells you that if you want love, you have to respect yourself FIRST. 2ff7e9595c

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