Alternatively, if you don't mind trying out development code, browse the SVN[8] repository of the latest development version (or do a full checkout using svn checkout svn:// displaycal). But please note that the development code might contain bugs or not run at all, or only on some platform(s). Use at your own risk.
If, in this momentous task, a mighty effort be exerted, the world of humanity will shine out with other adornings, and shed the fairest light. Then will this darksome place grow luminous, and this abode of earth turn into Heaven. The very demons will change to angels then, and wolves to shepherds of the flock, and the wild-dog pack to gazelles that pasture on the plains of oneness, and ravening beasts to peaceful herds, and birds of prey, with talons sharp as knives, to songsters warbling their sweet native notes.
note native luminous