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Final Fantasy Solo Guitar Collections Vol.2

This coming October will mark the 50th anniversary of the UK release of "Love Me Do," a catchy little ditty by a quartet that would go on to make music history. Could history be due to repeat itself? It just might, if things like DNA and genes are barometers. In what would be the reboot of all reboots, the sons of the Fab Four are contemplating forming a new generation version of the Beatles. This new generation Beatles would celebrate the songs of John, Paul, George, and Ringo, featuring a lineup consisting of sons Sean Lennon, James McCartney, Dhani Harrison, and Jason Starkey, all of whom are musicians. Asked about the likelihood of a "Beatles 2.0," James McCartney told the BBC, "Yeah, hopefully, naturally. I don't know, you'd have to wait and see." McCartney has some experience recording with his dad, contributing guitar to albums such as Flaming Pie and Driving Rain, while Lennon has four solo albums under his belt. Harrison and Starkey also play guitar and drums, respectively. "Sean seemed to be into it, Dhani seemed to be into it. I'd be happy to do it," added McCartney. Happy, indeed. Will the Beatles' offspring go in search of nostalgic glory? Or will they let it be? One thing's for sure, if the Beatles 2.0 decide to move forward, Giles Martin, son of fifth Beatle George Martin, is a shoo-in for the producer chair.

Final Fantasy Solo Guitar Collections Vol.2


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